Crossing the big lakes just got interesting with the added snow we get flow water. There is lots of ice underneath but you can end up stuck and have a really crappy day of it. I had the big triple wound out and when I hit this spot I was doing about 100 km/hr (65 mph) pulling the sleigh.
Sandi askes me do I slow down when I hit the flow? I said I try to squeeze the throttle through the handlebar, stand up and lean forward for more speed! LOL I had a different route home.
Rich and Sandi sit down for a looooong podcast with the folks from Panoramic. You can find out more about the guys at
I just watched your latest scuttlebut on YT. You two are just the latest victim of the outdoor channels. Kusk Wild and Trapper J have recently been hit. I encouraged them to join Rumble. I posted a response on the YT video 2 times and they posted but when I went back they were gone. I don't know if its because you are done with them or they removed them. My response to your video was to not stop posting on YT but to make a 10-15 second video saying "new content landed on Rumble, go check it out". This video wouldn't require your standard introduction but just to redirect and inform your followers that a new video landed. You would only have to make this video once and post it there every time you put up new content. I think it would be funny using that platform to boost another. Just a thought. Photo just for content.