Sandi and I have got serious with a new affliction. Sporting Clays! We have been working with a certified sporting Clay instructor. We are having a pile of fun and Sandi is like watching the terminator from T2 shoot! Smooth, fast deadly - you can almost hear the servo motors whine in her swing!! Sandi is progressing like wildfire. Me, not so much. I have sessions where I am red hot and others where I am glacial, to put it kindly, LOL. Last night we discovered that I have a wandering eye dominance! I have been right eye dominate my whole life or I thought I was. Last nights disaster put a frowny face on me and the coach in a corner. We did some tests and suddenly this crazy answer appears. Eye dominance can be right, left or center. Last night he would tell me that I was pulling the trigger well behind the clay and in my view I was 10' in front of it at times. So we started checking eye dominance and it moves around if I blink quickly I'm right I dominant but you know how you set up over top of a shotgun get ready to say pull by that time I can see the full left side of the barrel. No wonder it was screwed up. I guess it's pretty common. He said the biggest clue was that I shot better on the 2nd target of a true pair that I did on the 1st because there wasn't time for the dominance to switch to switch and I just shot. 've also been shooting a rifle a fair bit recently and he said that really screws up shooting a shotgun. We will move around a inclusion on the shooting glasses to stop it.
Has anyone else had this affliction? How did you fix it?
Rich and Sandi sit down for a looooong podcast with the folks from Panoramic. You can find out more about the guys at
I just watched your latest scuttlebut on YT. You two are just the latest victim of the outdoor channels. Kusk Wild and Trapper J have recently been hit. I encouraged them to join Rumble. I posted a response on the YT video 2 times and they posted but when I went back they were gone. I don't know if its because you are done with them or they removed them. My response to your video was to not stop posting on YT but to make a 10-15 second video saying "new content landed on Rumble, go check it out". This video wouldn't require your standard introduction but just to redirect and inform your followers that a new video landed. You would only have to make this video once and post it there every time you put up new content. I think it would be funny using that platform to boost another. Just a thought. Photo just for content.